Short day at work….YEAH!!   I should only have to work 10 hours today.  LOL!!   I had an early IEP this morning.  I am glad I didn’t become a teacher, that is initially what I thought I wanted to do.  Too EARLY!!!  LOL!!   I like the flexiblity of being a social worker.   Last night I worked until 9:15 at night, man do I get alot done at night here.  I am more productive in the evening anyways.  

I just finished another book last night.   I finished The Jane Austen Book Club – Karen Joy Fowler.  It was an ok read….

Children of God Go Bowling – Shannon Olson – 3.5/5

The Jane Austen Book Club – 3/5

Rating Scale Used -(From the Bookies WebSite)
5 = Highly Recommended / Another “Classic.”
4 = Recommended / A good read.
3 = Okay / An average book.
2 = Would Not Recommend / Less then satisfying.
1 = How did this get published? / Poor.


Currently Reading….. 

  • Prodigal Summer – Barbara Kingsolver
  • Peaceful Parents, Peaceful Kids: Practical Ways to Create a Calm and Happy Home – Naomi Drew
  • Queen’s Fool – Phillipa Gregory

I must say the little bit of the Peaceful Parents book I read last night, I really liked.   I am reading it for our class at church, another parent recommended it.   I read alot of parenting and disability books for work and always can gleen a bit more info or ideas for them and a refresher of info is always helpful too.  I send out resources to the families I work with too.   There are those parents though that say…”Oh I have read enough books on that subject”.  Those are usually the parents who have read one book on parenting or their child’s disability.   Truthfully as parents I think we have to keep trying to learn and be better parents every day of our lives for our children no matter if then have a disablity or not!  If you have the above attitude I think you are pretty closed to learning and trying new things.   Even if you don’t have a child with a disability, reading parenting books came give you new insight and ideas….some aren’t worth the paper they are written on…..and some are great.   Things in the field of autism are always changing so the research and literature is every changing.  I am always impressed with LindaC61 and the research and reading she does to improve her son’s independence!   I find alot of info and resources to check out from her site from time to time. 

My desire it to be the best wife and mother possible so I will read books to help me on the quest.    As a person I don’t think we should ever stop learning or developing into an authentic person.  I want to be the best me I can be!!

2 thoughts on “

  1. Looking into that parenting book, thanks for writing about it.  I agree with everything you said in regards to reading parenting books and taking from them what you need.  I love researching many topics, but reading parenting advice is one of my favorites because I feel that I am constantly learning and growing as a parent. 

    Put me in the “Fan of LindaC” camp!  I am amazed and impressed with her knowledge as well as her passions as a parent.

  2. Looking into that parenting book, thanks for writing about it.  I agree with everything you said in regards to reading parenting books and taking from them what you need.  I love researching many topics, but reading parenting advice is one of my favorites because I feel that I am constantly learning and growing as a parent. 

    Put me in the “Fan of LindaC” camp!  I am amazed and impressed with her knowledge as well as her passions as a parent.

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