I just got a few things together for our Families First class tonight. I copied a couple readings out of a book I bought at the Children’s Mental Helath Conference. It is called Raising Healthy Children Day by Day -366 Readings for Parents, Teachers, and Caregivers Birth to Age 5 by Jolene Roehlkepartain. It is daily readings based on the Search Institutes 40 developmental assets all children need.
I also am going to share some information on Menu Planning – and savingdinner.com.
I also picked up a catalog from the conferenec from Free Spirit Publishing that has great books related to many parenting and child rearing issues. I have a few more books on order that I am waiting to come.
We also will be discussing Peaceful Parents, Peaceful Children, I think it is called. I think that book was published by Free Spirit, at least it is in their catalog. I haven’t read much of this book yet, but look forward to the discussion. Another parent is going to lead that discussion. Hubby and I were not at the class last time since we went to the speaker on raising christian teens in a postmodern world.
Peaceful parents and peaceful children. We seem to have more of that here sometimes!! Have a great day! ~~Suzanne
Peaceful parents and peaceful children. We seem to have more of that here sometimes!! Have a great day! ~~Suzanne