Ok….now my day is on it’s way and I am more awake!   LOL!!   I even went to bed early last night…hmmmm…  Spring is actually hitting Minnesota today!  I could wear Capri’s and sandals to work today!  WOW!

My 7:00 appointment tonight cancelled so I will be working in the office.  That is ok, I have plenty of paperwork to do as well.  So my last home visit for the day will be at 4:00 then back to the office until at least 8:30.  

Today I have weight watchers over lunch.  I am dreading that as I am sure I have gained weight!   I didn’t go last week since I was out of town for work and I didn’t count points alot of the week.   I will try to do better with counting this week.  Really I will!  

My friend just informed me I have the wrong week for book group so I have another week to get my book done!  YEAH!!  I think that is very doable!   I will have it done by then!   My goal this year was to read every book for my group.   Last year I only read 1/2 of them, but I was in the car accident and very sick through out the year.  

I am listening to Jane Austen Book Club  by Karen Fowler and it seems to be ok, but I have never read any Jane Austen so if I had I might get a bit more out of the discussions that are happening in the book.   I have to drive to Red WIng tomorrow so I should get quite a bit of this book done too.   Man will my mileage check this month be pretty big!  WOW!  I have been driving and driving….but at least I get alot of books listened to!  

Well I better firm up my to do list for today here and work than I need to go up to Weight Watchers.   Wish me luck!

One thought on “

  1. It sounds like your very busy this week wow, How do you do it all.? May I ask what you are doing to help with losing weight? Iam doing the SouthBeach Diet and started some exercsises(sorry my spelling is off today) but boy those are hard if you never have before. Plus Iam doing all alone.Do you have help with friends?

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