Well my voicemail is blinking at me, but I am going to enjoy and eat my supper before getting back to work.  I jsut returned to the office after my last homevisit of the day.  I plan on doing a few hours of paperwork yet before returning home for the night.  I am going to try to work only 40 hours this week.  We will see how that goes! 

Tommy told me today that he isn’t a baby and doesn’t want to wear pull-ups!   Ok..fine…he had only one accident today at daycare, but then at naptime he had a pull-up on.   When I called hubby to check in when I got back to the office he was jsut cleaning Tommy up.  Tommy still insists on hiding when he has to go poopy vs telling us and using the toilet.   Argh!!!


pooky2030 – weight loss is going very slow for me, in my opinion, but I am not very patient.   For exercises I try to be more active.  I walk the steps to my third floor office numerous times a day.  I do weight lifting,  stretches and crunches at least 3 times a week, but usually more.  I walk a mile a day about 3 times a week, but am trying to increase that.  I jsut mapped out a way to walk by my office so now that it is nice, I might walk on my lunch break.  I usually am too busy to take a lunch break, but maybe I will start.   I really am finding weight watcehrs very helpful!    Most of the foods I really like are alot of points!  So being aware of that am learning portion size and moderation is helpful.   So I am working hard to count my points each day and write them down.  Also I joined weight watchers with a few friends and that is a great support that really is helping to motivate me I think!

Happylittle-   Yep…I am came home from cooking with 4 freezer meals done.   ALways a good thing.

Immax3 – I took my vcitamins, but I think I need something stronger.  DO you think a case of Dt Mt Dew would be bad today????

SmileNJ –  Soup…..you know in my family my hubby was the only one that loved soup.  I being a good wife would make him homemade soup often since he liked it.   I really do like ot have soup and rolls now, but only homemade soup.  We don’t eat the canned stuff.   I find alot of benefits with soup for a meal.  It is a quick light meal since i usually have various frozen soups in my freezer.   It also gets my kids to eat vegetables.  Actaully all my kids have become pretty good about eating soup.   Cost effecitve…..you need very little meat to make the meal!   I also keep a container in my freezer where if we have left over vegetables from supper, I put them in there and when I make soup I have a variety of vegetables to put in as well.    Boy…..way more than you wanted to know about soup!  Can you tell I am avoiding getting back to work?

Boclark – I liked the book Good Harbor by Anite Diamant, but not nearly as much as Red Tent.   Red Tent is on of my favorite books!

OK, OK…OK….I can’t avoid it anymore time to get finish with my supper and get back work.  If I only have a 1/2 hour break the sooner I can go home!  Have a great evening!!!!!!

2 thoughts on “

  1. I was reading about your *soup* reponse!  I also like to save leftover vegetables for homemade soup.  I keep it in a freezer container & when I feel like there’s enough I dump it a big pan for soup.  It’s interesting how those vegetables with their seasonings can make a great soup!  It is very cost effective, too!  : )

  2. I was reading about your *soup* reponse!  I also like to save leftover vegetables for homemade soup.  I keep it in a freezer container & when I feel like there’s enough I dump it a big pan for soup.  It’s interesting how those vegetables with their seasonings can make a great soup!  It is very cost effective, too!  : )

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