Morning….last day of work!   Tomorrow will be spent packing and getting things done around the house so I can leave around noon on Saturday for Duluth.   I found that the chorus a friend of mine is in is performing at the college in Duluth so I am going to try to get up there a bit earlier and go to the concert.    I have never heard the chorus and really have wanted to.  Then I will head to the hotel and relax for the evening with my computer, sewing and books.  AAAHHH….Sunday I am going shopping with the mission to find 4 pairs of capris for work.   That could be a lofty mission.   I am sharing my hotel suite with a co-worker and she is coming up on Sunday afternoon sometime.   There is a preconference guest speaker on Sunday evening that I might try and go to.  Then the Children’s Mental Health Conference starts on Monday morning and I will be there for the next two days!   

The guest speaker last night at church was very good.   He talked about the postmodern world, which is the thought that do what feels good and right….jsut go for it.   Now realize I have all sons and haven’t seen a teen girl magazine since I was 13.   He showed ads from them and values and morals that were dismissed in them was amazing.  Sex sells even to young children.   I was amazed.    So the problem for our christian children is they have one foot in the postmodern world bombarbed by the messages to go with the feeling, do what feels right and the other foot in the kingdom.  As parents we need to be the example of the behavior and values of those in the kindgom of Jesus.   We are the gatekeepers for our children, they aren’t ready to make those decisions alone.   Talk about sexuality and things with your children, don’t leave it up to the postmodern world to educate your children.   He talked about the youth today are very spiritual, but not necessarily christianity.   He went to the bookstore and list all the different teen books he found regarding different spirituality.   It was interesting.  Wiccan is a growing religion among teens.     He said that who are children are at age 25 is who they will be…as the brain continues to develop until that don’t be too hard on ourselves until then.  LOL!    I had to agree with the speaker on the most important thing he wanted for his sons was character and morals.   I feel the same way, I think if they have good character and morals instilled they will make the right decisions in the long run.   I am pretty happy with Josh’s character, but the problem with not raising Erik full time is we don’t have as much influence on him.  We keep working on it, but we are different households and he is here so limitedly.  And he has never had a strong foot in the kingdom.  Ok..enough about that…..he did share some great parenting websites etc…that I will share later.  

Time for me to get ready the rest of the way for work and get out the door.  have a great day!

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