Thought I would share these resources as I know others that read this blog are touched by autism in their lives.  This is from the MSSA conference I went to.

I went to a training that was more specifically geared to autism and to higher functioning autism, but as I looked at the resources, there are books that would apply for any child who has special needs and requires extra training on subtle social cues and teaching them how to be more independent in general.

Following is the list of books I thought looked really good;;;

The Hidden Curriculum – Practical Solutions for Understanding Rules in Social Situations by Brenda Smith Myles, Millissa L Trautman and Rhonda L Schelvan

Autism Asperger’s Publishing Co 2004

(If there were one book I would purchase for any of your children, this would be the one. It has lots of chapters on how to handle the subtle rules of society and peers and they learn how to manage in numerous social situations. This would be a great tool to teach the basics your child needs to navigate socially in our world, good for autism and for all kids in general!!) e.g. rules for birthday parties: only the birthday child blows out candles, you may not like the cake or design, but don’t say it is ugly, wait until the birthday person blows out the candles before you eat the cake, sometimes you may not like the food, so just say “Maybe I’ll eat later or not right now, thank you.”

…or if you are a teen: most teens wear different outfits each day, don’t point out pimples on other people’s faces, if you like a boy or girl at school as a crush, you act like you don’t like them at all, etc. It teaches how to be appropriate in social settings.

Pick Up your Socks… and other skills growing children need. A practical guide to raising responsible children by Elizabeth Cray Parenting Press 1990

(how to teach your children to carry their own weight around the home and get them to be more responsible in their duties.) – not necesarily gear to children with autism.

Perfect Targets. Asperger’s and Bullying Practical Solutions for surviving the Social World by Rebekah Heinrichs Autism Asperger Publishing Company 2003

(I think this book is good for all kids to learn how to manage self protection and not to be so vulnerable with others.)

Growing Up – Taking care of myself A hygiene, puberty, and personal curriculum for young people with autism by Mary Wrobel Future Horizons 2003

(This is useful for any child who needs fine tuning on self care needs and tasks)

When My Autism Gets Too Big – A relaxation book for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders by Kari Dunn Buron Autism Asperger Publishing Co 2003

(this could help all kids who have issues keeping their emotions and behaviors in order and how to learn to self control before they melt down.)

The Incredible 5 point Scale by Kari Dunn Buron and Mitzi Curtis – Assisting students with ASD in understanding social interactions and controlling their emotional responses – Autism Asperger Publishing Co 2003

(This gives the students a way of rating how they are feeling at the moment and learning to tone down when they are getting too hyped up)

Brenda Legge also has a book on autism for kids who won’t eat a variety of foods, “Can’t Eat, Won’t eat” .

If you get any of these books, I would love to hear if they have been useful to you.

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