Just got back from running errands. I have to pick up Tommy in about 10 minutes from preschool and take him to daycare. I completed all my errands on my list and a few I had planned on doing tomorrow. Went to Dr, Post Office, Target, Bread Thrift Store and the bank.
I found some bread that is only 1 point for 2 slices, now to see if I like it! Someone asked me the URL for the Weight Watchers Calculator. You can find it here!
Laundry – 1 load
Dr Appointment
Tommy to Preschool/Daycare
Get haircut
Run Errands at Target
Bedtime RoutineMenu and Shopping List
Committe Minutes – complete and mail
Make Baptism Lambs
Email Sue S. about 2004 Lambs
Complete a couple of Missions in Kitchen1 Item from the Project for this week List – mend shirt/ work on menu
Waiting for hubby to call this afternoon to see if I have to pick up Erik tonight or not. I prefer not to, but hubby might be going out after work with friends. So then Josh will pick up Tommy and I have to go get Erik.