Morning….I woke up to a new blanket of snow outside, plus it is still snowing. I am so tired of snow! I just washed my truck now it will be a slushy mess again. Today is a normal work day. I have unit meeting this morning and I hope to tackle my filing some more this afternoon. We haven’t had a filing person at my office for a few months so my filing is behind so I have to do it myself. I think that is crazy, my hourly wage is three times what a filing person makes, but you are paying me to file. Not very cost effective when I could be doing billable work. Any one that has a child with a disability knows there is a ton of paperwork….well the social worker gets a ton too!!! So that will be my day. The best part is I can listen to my book on tape while I file so at least it isn’t so boring. Yesterday I finished A-G.
Last night I came home from the chiropractor and hubby had supper all made. You gotta love that!! I need to go through the Erik and Tommy’s summer clothes and make my list of needed items. Yesterday I stopped at two Once Upon A Child’s and found a few needed items for Tommy. I bought him 2 pairs of shorts, a pair of Buzz Light Year Sandals, and a nice Easter Outfit. I also bought him a nice Demin Jacket. He needed a church jacket. He had a fine jacket for play, but I always make sure my kids have two jackets for each season. One to play and get dirty and one that is kept nice to go to church, etc. I can’t always afford to do this for Winter time, but I wash Tommy’s jacket frequently in the winter almost weekly. I also found a nice pair of And One tennis shoes that are two sizes too big for Tommy. They were only 5 dollars so I will put them away for the future. I have to grab a good deal on shoes when we find them. Soon it will be garage sale season and I will stock up on larger sizes for Tommy.
After supper and once Tommy was in bed, we watched The Notebook. That is a good movie…I cried and cried! I did manage to clip and organize all my coupons while I watched the movie. I was a few weeks behind. Then it was off to bed!
Laundry – 1 load
Bedtime Routine
Complete a couple of Missions in Kitchen
1 Item from the Project for this week List – mend shirt/ work on menu
- Cook Potatoes – I bought two bags on sale and will make Make Ahead Mashed Potatoes or they will go bad on me.
- Clean Laundry Room – 1 shelf
- Finish Menu for the rest of March
- Make scrambles eggs and freeze in Individual services for breakfasts.
- Mend hubby’s two shirts – One done!
That should complete my day. I should fold this load of laundry here and hit the shower and get ready for work. Tommy is still sound asleep. He woke up early this morning and crawled in bed with us and went back to sleep.
SUPPER TONIGHT: Wild Rice Soup and rolls.
Hi Jen, how neat your hubby making supper, so sweet! Have a good day! Sylvia
I love the look of your blog! Really nice. -Jenn
That was great that your husband made dinner for you! I really want to see the Notebook! It looks like such a great movie.
I am a snooze hitter too! It’s SO hard to get up in the mornings!!!!! Have a great day! ~~Suzanne
If you tell me some of the things you plan to eat in the next week or so, I’ll look up the points values for you. They may be on the WW website too, I’m not sure.
The Notebook WAS so good!!!!
The Notebook was such a good movie, wasn’t it?!! I really liked it.
How sweet of your husband to cook dinner for you! : )