Morning…..I didn’t even hear my alarm go off this morning.  I must have turned it off without waking up.  OOPS…..I was up a couple of times last night with Tommy.  He fell out bed once and was wimpering once and I went and layed down with him until he settled down.  He msut have been having a bad dream.   I feel right asleep last night I didn’t even read.   I haven’t read at all this week.  

Yesterday we received our netflix movies so might try and watch one of them tonight.  We will see.  

Last night I took a bunch of my common foods I eat and wrote their points values on them with a marker.   Now if I grab something I automatically know what it is worth.  So I can decide if I really want it or not. 

Not much planned for today.  I have two meetings today at work and a chiropractor appointment at 5:30. 


Laundry – 1 load
Bedtime Routine
1 or 2 Item from the Project for this week List – Clip Coupons/mend shirt


  • Cook Potatoes – I bought two bags on sale and will make Make Ahead Mashed Potatoes or they will go bad on me.
  • Clip Coupons
  • Clean Laundry Room – 1 shelf
  • Finish Menu for the rest of March
  • Make scrambles eggs and freeze in Individual services for breakfasts. 
  • Mend hubby’s two shirts  – One done!


Crazymomma – the oatmeal is 4.2 points.  Kind of high for breakfast.  I am jsut learning about all this.  My normal breakfast, two pieces of toast is only 2.  I might switch back to that. 

Immax3 – I did read the Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult a few years ago.  I remember because I read it when I was in the hospital after I was out of ICU.   I jsut barely recall the ending.  That is the one where the baby is dead right???   There was a TV movie made of it too, which I saw portions of.  I looked back on my website and I liked the book I rated it a 4/5 a reccomended read!

FireWifeMom – I am glad you like my recipe sections.  I had a terrible time of losing recipes as I try new ones frequently.  I love to cook.   So now if my family likes a recipe we add it to the site.  I have 3 to add from this week.  

Kelios – thanks for the food saver info.  I can’t wait to save up my money and get one!  Should be great!  I think I will use it alot!

Time to wake up Tommy and get going to work.  Have a great day. 

4 thoughts on “

  1. Hi Jen, sorry about your little boy, been there with my daughter. I am taking so many notes from you & WisconisnMomof2~smile~I can keep house but my cooking, I need help,LOL. Have a good day! Sylvia

  2. I got my foodsaver from Wal-mart. It was less than $100 and works great. I love it. I wouldn’t bother sealing things that you will use in the next 2 weeks (because of the price of the bags) but if you are freezing meals or meat that you plan on keeping for longer, then it is definately nice. I also have the square dish and use it for marinating.

  3. Email me and I can send you all my WW points for convenience foods that I formatted onto Word.  I printed a bunch of these out and put them in a binder when I did WW.  Quite handy.  🙂   Have a great day!

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