Last night was a very relaxing evening. Tommy hadn’t had a nap so he went to bed early. I was going to watch Law and Order with hubby, but I went to my room and listened to my book on tape and cross stitched. It was very enjoyable. I am almost done with my current book on tape. My first book done for March.
I went to bed without finishing my menu and shopping list so I have to do that this morning before going to the store. I slept late since hubby wanted the alarm turned off. I am sure we both needed it. Hubby was up in the middle of night as he wasn’t feeling very well.
Today is errand day for us….we have quite a few to do today.
Aldi – Groceries
Target – Tommy shoes, dt mt dew and lightbulbs
Going to the movie in the afternoon with Tommy. His first movie ever! I hope he will sit for the movie.
Have a great day!!!!