Last night was our weekly cleaning night.  Josh did all his chores so he could go to the choir concert at school.  He was happy to have the van back to cart all his friends around.   I did most of my chores, but had an asthma attack that wiped me out later in the evening.  I did manage to clean the upstairs bathroom, take out most of the garbage and change sheets on ours and Tommy’s bed.   I also folded a couple loads of laundry.  I went to bed early as I was jsut so tired.   I was in bed by 9:00.  

Hubby is going to do his chores tonight as he was really tired last night after all the stuff he did at work.   Tommy helped with my chores.  He helped take off his sheets and load the washer.   He likes to be a helper.  It is funny he will often say “Momma lets do chores!”.  LOL!  I know that won’t last long!

I made Tommy sleep in his bed last night and he wasn’t very happy about that.    I didn’t even read last night, I went right to sleep.    My mom called last night and said my Dad decided to start the radiation therapy and will see the Dr on Thursday.  I was very happy to hear he was going through with treatment. 


Well it is Wednesday so we have supper and class at church tonight.   I don’t think I will be doing much else tonight.  I do have to put away the clean laundry, but that is it for chores.   We will be home early from church due to lenten services so I will probably play a game with Tommy. 

Tomorrow I have to go to meetings near Rochester so I will be gone all day for work.  ARGH…I hate that but have to do it now once a month.   I have most of my appointments made for March so my month is filling up already.   Well I have plenty of paperwork and phone calls to make so I better get busy.  I have to leave early to meet the family at church for supper.  Have a great day!!

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