Moving a little slow this morning, but then again it is Monday. I like the week starting and getting back to my routines, weekends throw me off a bit. I am going into work late today as I have a Dr’s appointment with my allergist. He is back from vacation so he gets to see hacky me. I see him at 9:30 in Minneapolis, then it is off to work. My last apointment today is at 6:00 so will be working a little late. But is should be a very short meeting.
Let’s see….starting a new book on Tape today while commuting, that is always nice. London Bridges by James Patterson.
Supper tonight…Lasagna and Garlic Toast. Otherwise pretty quiet week it looks like. We are suppose to be going out of town for the weekend coming up, but I really don’t want to go. A friend gave us a week at their time share. We can only stay for the long weekend as the kids have school.
It snowed yesterday, that heavy wet snow so the trees look really cool.
Family Updates…I don’t talk much about my extended family, but they are on my mind lately. So I ask for prayers for them. My father has prostate cancer and will be finding out about treatment options next week. I held it together when my mother told me, but it is hard to see your parents begin to fail healthwise. They have always been there to take care of me!
My neice, is having another baby. She has one little boy who has some developmental delays. He isn’t talking and has alot of sensory issues. He is 2 years old I think. They are looking into a diagnosis of autism it sounded like, my sister wasn’t too up on what was going on with him for sure. She will certainly have her hands full with two little ones.
The book on tape sounds like a fun thing to do while commuting. How long is your commute? Do you work in a large city?
I prayed for your Dad after I read your post. They can do a lot w/ prostate cancer now if it is not too far along. Usually the outcome is quite promising.
Do you really stick to the laundry schedule? My family wouldn’t last that long unless I bought them extra clothes.
Have a blessed day! Sheila
Sorry to hear about your dad. It’s hard to see your parents age. I have one living grandparent left and I had a dream he died and in the dream, and even in real life, as people start dying like that, you are forced to look at your parents mortality and then your own. I hope they can find an aggressive treatment for your dad that works.
On a different note, I like James Patterson. His books are pretty good. I bet you’ll like it if you like that kind of story.
Wasn’t it gorgeous out this a.m?
Aging parents and health issues is just SO not fun. I hear ya there. {{{hugs}}}
Happy Valentines Day to you, neighbor!!