Back to work routine today….already running a bit behind.  I was so tired this morning.   This cold keeps me up alot at night tossing and turning.   I have been using lysol wipes all over the house so hopefully we get rid of the germs around here.  We all have the sniffles now!  

Tommy slept wonderfully last night!  He went to bed early and slept in his bed all night.  He is doing so well.   It is giving me opportunity to go to bed early and read since he is in his bed. It is nice to have the time to unwind without him.   Don’t tell hubby I do miss Tommy snuggling with me at night once in a while….but I will get over it.  

I am starting to taper off my predisone again.  I am hoping I will stay off it more than a week this time.  I have maintained my weight this time around and not gained any…nor lost either.  

We just filed our taxes on Saturday and our state refund is in our account already.  WOW!!  That was fast!

I guess that is it for my busy day…..might do my to do list later….have been slacking alot lately!   I get to start my book on tape again since I am driving to work!! YEAH…something to look forwarfd to.    I had started this one, but had to return it before I was done as it was very popular.  It took a while to get it again.  I hope I remember correctly which CD I was on!   Have a great day!

4 thoughts on “

  1. I always loved snuggling with Johnny.  We don’t snuggle much anymore, but I try to steal as many minutes with him as I can!  Glad you can taper off that drug.  Hope you have a blessed day, Jenn.  ~~  Suzanne

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