I added some new budgeting info to my website so I thought I would share it here too….
These are the true and tried techniques that have worked well for me to manage our very tight budget. I know at all times how much money I have in each category. It has worked well for me so I thought I would share.
I keep a sticky note in my checkbook with my weekly household budget categories and amounts.
Such as:
Groceries – 75 –
Church – 25
Gas – 40
Household – 25
Fun – 75.00
This is my budget for one week. Let’s say I pick up groceries and spend $50.00. So then I make the notation on the sticky, similar to the following.
Groceries – $75 – $25.00
Now at anytime I know that I only have $25.00 left in my grocery budget, etc. I subtract each purchase I make at the time I make it so there are no surprises. Now if when the week is done I have money left in groceries I add it to the next weeks budget. This way if there is a good sale I can stock up. I usually have money left over in FUN and continue to save that up to buy things I want of go out to eat, etc. Each week I make a new sticky note with that weeks budget on it and any carrry over from the previous week.
I also use my fun money to purchase books from half.com as I read lot. So when ever I make an online purchase I deduct that money form the fun money line item and transfer to my savings account. When the credit card bill comes I have the money set aside for the online purchases I have made.
Another thing I do is I keep a yearly savings budget. I know how much I have in savings (from my tax return) and I budget out each big item (braces, car insurance, emergency and mission trip) that I know we will need to spend the money on over the year. I do a similar thing to the sticky note as I have the total budgeted for car insurance and when I pay that bill I deduct that from the budget. I know exactly how much I have left for the year in each category and if I am on target on how much we can spend of it each month.
Lastly I use a monthly budget worksheet that I devised that helps me to track each weeks bills and division of money. I find this very helpful.
I’m glad you explained the sticky note in your check book. You mentioned it before but I didn’t quite get it.
I keep a montly budget, but I need a system like you decribed to keep me on track with my budget.