The play last night was really good. I was pleasantly surprised. We saw Proof at the Lakeshore Players At intermission you go in the basement and they have cups of pop for you….it was very quaint. I had to try so hard not to cough through the whole show and ruin it for people. I ate alot of cough drops. We hope to go again. It was a nice night out. The next play is an Agatha Christie Murder Mystery so we might check that out.
Tommy was really crabby when he were getting ready to leave last night and fell asleep at 7:30 since he hadn’t had a nap. ARGH….Josh tried to wake him and had him up by the time we got home at 10:30. Tommy did sleep in his bed again last night, he is doing very well. We are all sleep so much better. I went into bed to neb and fell asleep with the machine on and in my mouth!! Hubby thought that was pretty funny. I was so tired.
We decided to keep Tommy home from church today since he was sleeping and didn’t want to wake him with how sick he has been. He has such a runny nose too. I wish he would get better. I might have to finally take him to the Dr next week. He is finally eating better though.
Today is a quiet day of relaxation. I have two movies from the library to watch and read my book. I am puttin some BBQ chicken in the crockpt for supper tonight as well. I will share the recipe if it is a keeper. I have some library books I want to look through and recipes to copy out of some library books to try.
I have Monday off as we are doing a cooking session at church in the morning so I should have the afternoon to do what I want or go to work. We will see which I decide to do. I turned over the shopping for the cooking session to a friend so I hope she did ok. It is alot of wok, but I couldn’t keep doing it each time.