Hack, Hack…Sniffle, Sniffle. I am up and starting my day! Long night last night. I didn’t get home fro work until 8:00 argh….I nebbed and cleaned the bathroom and went to bed and reaad my book a bit. I finally finsihed the Shipping News and am onto the February book for my book group! The Bridal Wreath….haven’t read enough of it to see if I will like it or not, but it is set in the 1300’s I believe. I usualy don’t enjoy time pieces, but we will see. I hope to complete each of the book we chose this year. I have a number of 1/2 read ones from last year.
Tonight I get off work a bit early and then go to the chiropractor and church. Hubby was a bit upset since he has trouble getting Tommy through the line at church, but I can’t get there any eariler. He gets off work earlier than I do from work.
Hubby was so nice and did alot of the weekly chores last night for me. He is good to me! I jsut have to clean up the bathrooms a bit more and Josh has to vaccuum. Then the hosue is all clean for the weekend. I still have alot of laundry to get caught up on. I jsut don’t feel very well and go to bed early so I can work. I will be home in the morning on Friday. Tommy has school and I have a late meeting on Friday at 6:00. There is an event at church which starts at 6:00 and I won’t be able to get there until about 7:00, so hubby willl have to take the boys. He’s not so thrilled again. He is great about going to all these events but he hates to go without me and usually won’t!
I think I will have to call the Dr back about as tomorrow I am suppose to start decreasing my predisone and I haven’t seen any improvement. Argh!! I am still nebbing and using emergency albuterol. Time to get ready for work and finish my breakfast! Have a great day!
oh laundry dont remind me! I will NEVER be caught up with laundry! Well I hope you get your house clean before the weekend.. that is always my goal..so i can relax over the weekend and not have to worry about it. take care!
Oh no! Feel better soon! I have a mountain of laundry that I’m working through today, too. Actually, now it is a mountain of mostly clean, unfolded clothes… wrinkling as I type, no doubt.