Man did I have a hard time getting up this morning……only 4 more days of work and then I am on vacation!! I can’t wait!! I have to take some time off today to go to another one of Erik’s Dr. appointments. My hubby is very adament that I be there, so that means I have to work late tonight to get my 45 hours in for the week. He said they would do the weekly chores for me so that will be good!
I am down to 30 mg of predisone and my coughing is coming back. GRRRR….I am increasing my pulmicort so hopefully that will take care of it. I am still nebing at least once a day. I want to get off this predisone so badly!! The side effects are too much.
Zone – Entranace/Porch/DR
MISSION: Dust house plants and water
15 – Declutter
Clean Furnace Filter
Laundry – Sheets
My son was on prednisone for four years. I was so happy when he came off of it. I hope you are feeling better soon so that you can get off that drug. Have a good day, Jenn. ~~Suzanne 🙂
Oh dear…breathing problems are no fun. I hope your lungs clear up soon.
Hope you feel better soon!
Yah, Dylan is on some antibiotic for his tonsilitis… poor kid.
Yay…vacation time is almost near. Enjoy every bit of it