I came home from work and paid my bills and did my budget. It felt great to pay off all my bills owed and still doing ok. I had some fun $ from last week left too so I diecided to go to JoAnne’s to look if the Santa I wanted before xmas was on clearance. It was there and 70% off……YEAH! So I bought him he was regularly $59.99 so I got him from $17 something. I would never pay $59.99 for something like that! But he is cute and looks nice in my entryway. He is about 2 feet tall or so.
Well time to get some supper and finsh my bedtime routine. Have a great evening!
I like that santa and a good deal too! 😉 I need to get over to Joannes too and see if they have any cmas fabric left on clearance. thanks for the reminder! 😉 Have a good night!