Great Sale……..GOOSEBERRY PATCH!!!! I just finished purchasing a few more things for my Christmas gift baskets next year and birthday gifts. And some cookbooks and things……I love this store..and they have a great sale going on right now.
Great Sale……..GOOSEBERRY PATCH!!!! I just finished purchasing a few more things for my Christmas gift baskets next year and birthday gifts. And some cookbooks and things……I love this store..and they have a great sale going on right now.
OH wow! Thanks for letting me know. I LOVE GBP and I have some money from Christmas to spend! I’ll let you know if I get anything! ~Jen
I’ll have to check it out. Thanks for the tip! Have a great day and hope you’re feeling even better today, Jenn. ~~Suzanne 🙂
I love these books, I only have one now that I bought at a rummage sale.. I’ll check it out, thanks! 😉