Well I am still doing ok on my routines….didn’t get up as early as I should have this morning.   We are sort of sleeping better at night since we decided to just let Tommy fall asleep in our bed each night.  He goes to bed with hubby and I and once he falls asleep I take him to his room.   He has been sleeping better this way.   At this point I will do whatever gets me the most uninterrupted sleep.  This morning he did wake at 5:00am and I put in bed with us again.  If he could just wait until my alarm goes off at 5:45!  

Last night went really well..I came home and hubby wasn’t home with Tommy yet so I got most of my bedtime routine nad chores done before he got home.  Hubby made supper while I finished putting away laundry.   After supper and kitchen clean up I had alot of free time!   Tommy decided he wanted to play school!   So we worked on making circles.  He so hates to write.   Then we did a puzzle and played a memory game.    Hubby and I hope to be able to do some activity with him each evening.   The routines sure help to have the time to do that.  

Then we had a long conversation with Josh.  He took is all really well,  just talking about helping around the house, adhering to our rules and general reminders.   He received his debit card and checkbook in the mail yesterday so we will be working on teaching him how to use that.   We are going to the bank on Saturday to get a PIN for his debit card.    He is growing up…..that is for sure.  I am really proud how well he has handled the responsibility of having a job and GF and still maintaining school.  He was even on the honor role last quarter!!   He got alot of money for Christmas so it is burning a hole in his pocket.  He bought himself some clothes for work and a light thing for his room that pulses to music or something.     We are trying to encourage hi nto put some money away each month towards buying a car.   Neither the van or geo are goign to last much longer.  They are both over 10 years old and we can’t afford to replace them now.   I can only afford one car payment at a time and I am making payments on my truck still.  

Time to get busy……have a great Day!

Swtich Laundry – DONE
Breakfast – DONE
Computer/Calendar until 6:30 – DONE
Shower/Dress – DONE
Medications – DONE
Make Bed
Wake Tommy 7:30 – DONE


HOME FROM WORK TO DO: – TUESDAY – working late not home until about
Switch Laundry
Make Supper
WEEKLY CLEANING – Everyone helps!
Declutter – 15 minutes
ZONE – MISSION – LIVING ROOM – Detail dust 5 minutes
Change Cat Litter – (bought cat litter today)
Laundry – LIGHTS/Sheets
Furnace Filter

Clean up Kitchen
Lay Out Clothes for tomorrow
Pack Bags/Snow Boots & Pants
Make Lunches
Figure Out Super For Tomorrow – thaw in fridge if needed
Laundry -finally switch of night
Clear Dining Table -put away clean clothes

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