3:00 am and I am awake.   I was coughing up a storm trying to lay down and sleep so I figured it was only fair that I come to the lving room so hubby can sleep.   I am just so congested.   I have my rudoph nose for Christmas that is for sure.  I have a feeling I will need to call in tomorrow and not go to work.  I have a Dr appointment at 2:00 with my allergist so hopefully he will give me meds.  

I still have 2 more plans to write and really needed to work this week to finish things up for the end of the year.  Argh…..maybe I can work after my Dr appointment.  No one will want me at the office as sick and I am.  I can’t talk on the phone since I have no voice.   I might jsut run by the office and get some paperwork to do at home.   I didn’t bring any home since I worked until almost 11:00pm on Friday and I figured that was enough and I should bring things home or I will try and work over the weekend.   Well as sick as I am I am sure I would not have been too tempted.  

Well off to try and get a bit of sleep…..

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