Morning…..well I am happy to say that I was a good girl last night and used my unexpected free time wisely. I wrote and finished our Christmas newsletter, updated our Christmas Mailing Labels with changes and made our photo Christmas card. YEAH!! Now to print everything and mail this weekend. I do have to stop at Office Max and buy some colored envelopes today on the way to work.
I did get to look at one chapter of my new Gooseberry Cookbook last night before bed. But Tommy was in bed with me and I have to turn the lights out to get him to sleep. Tonight should be a fairly quiet evening. Hubby has a meeting at church and I am home with the boys. I have to work late on Friday…so I will just hang out with Tom tonight.
- Wash Dishes
- Coupons (need to do!)
- Laundry
- Clean Bathrooms
- Stop at Rainbow – Chickens on sale – Cheaper than Cub Sale Price!
SUPPER TONIGHT: Wild Rice Soup and Rolls
I’ve decided not to do a christmas newsletter this year. I’m trying to simply christmas. I just wish I didn’t have to buy so many gifts!
Hope all is well with you and yours. 🙂
Where do you live in MN.? I was raised there and my parents and sibblings still live there.
I’m not doing a newsletter this year, but I did design a photo card. Now I just need to get it printed and mailed!