Short week and very busy again.  I was going to skip my Dr appointment this morning, but since I had waited for a month to see my asthma Dr I figure I better go.  He is all concerned about my control of my asthma….if he thinks this is bad he should have seen me last month!   I think I am doing much better…..I have to see him in a week again for him to review how my meds are working. 

So I am back on a high high dose of predisone for the fourth time!!  I will have to deal with the side effects of that med again for a while.  I am so hungry on this med and gain so much weight!   I told him and he said, yes, that is a very common side effect.  So I guess once this is over I will have to workout alot!  I sometimes experience insomnia too and clean my house the entire night.  But the last 3 rounds this hasn’t happened.  I jsut eat us out of house and home!

So the new regimen of meds include….

Advair (new drug have used in past)
Xopenex – PRN
Atrovent – PRN
Albuterol – PRN

Gee does it look like they are over medication my asthma!!   YIKES!!  SO this is the new guess on medication and I will see the specialist again in one week.     As he said, his main goal is to keep me out of ICU.  I so don’t have time for this, but then again I don’t have time to be sick either!   I am actually hoping that the predisone will give me insomnia this time around so I can get some work done in those wee hours of the morning.  It comes in handy!

0 thoughts on “

  1. That’s a lot of medication.  My son has been on most of them – but not all at once like this!  I couldn’t imagine being on a med that would make me want to eat more.  Could I POSSIBLY eat more???  I saw an interview with John Travolta once.  He said that he works out about three hours a day because he refuses NOT to eat! 

    Feel better and have a good day!  😀

  2. Predisone is awful— my sister is on it, and it makes her swell up like a balloon.  The edema is the worst part for her.

    Does the albuterol give you the shakes?  I was really ill with something like bronchitis earlier this month, and I was taking it so I could breathe.  After a treatment, my hands were shaking so badly I could hardly type!

  3. Sure hope they can figure out a medicine that will work for you with out all the side effects, that’s no fun having weight gain and feeling hungry all the time!  Chew alot of gum!  hehe 🙂  Hang in there! Blessings.

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