Morning everyone!   YEAH it’s Friday I am so happy!  Able to have a more relaxed start this morning.  Tommy has preschool so I don’t go into to work until after that.   After I drop him off I have to high tail it to work to pick some stuff up for a meeting.   today is Grandparents day at school.  I hope Tommy isn’t the one little one without a grandparent there.  My parents live out of state and my in-laws are not in the best of health and early mornings don’t happen for them. 

I plan on cleaning up a bit and paying bills while Tommy is at preschool.  Tonight I can’t work late since I have to get cookie dough made for our Christmas Cookie baking session at the church on Saturday!  Saturday will be busy with making cookies in the morning and my neices’ birthday party in the afternoon.  Hoepfully we can make it to the library in between the two. 

We are still planning on heading to SD for Thanksgiving, but Josh has to work the day after Thanksgiving.  What a bummer.  We might head home on Saturday, I am not sure yet.   Depends on if my brother is coming from Colorado or not. 

Laundry is going so now it is time to head off to shower and get my day moving.  Have a great day!  I am still caught up with my laundry!!  I am right on schedule and only have one load to wash over the weekend!

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