This is one of those post that I do to really thank all my readers.  I get up in the morning and it is so good to hear from you all.  But I feel like I neglect you all too… from time to time I try to respond to some comments, etc.  I really do appreciate all of you that subscribe to my site and regularly comment. 

TerriBowden – Terri sorry to ruin your imagine of me, I am not that naturally organized. I have to make lists and things or I simply forgot so much.   I also will makea to do list each day.  But learning to make lists and things has really helped me alot.  It took a while to get from making lists to acutally doing the things on the list.   Now if I could only get my hubby to write anything down!!  He expects me to be his memory too and he is Very Forgetful.  (adult add I would guess!)

WisconsinMomof2 – Sandy it sure does feel great to have some food inthe freezer and I msut admit my own motivator or inspiration in that is you!   I read your site and I think…what a great idea…I can do that too!

Mistey – Freezer cookig is a huge money and time saver for us.   We really need that right now with my hubby changing jobs and things. 

Barkstone –  Books for grown-ups???   Well yes I do read books for grown-ups, but I only read about 2 pages a night before I fall in the coma we call sleep (exhaustion??).   But the one thing I love is books on tape!   I hit the library and get a book on tape and listen to ooks while I drive to and from work and appointments throughout the day.  You don’t get as upset about being stuck in traffic if you have a nice story keeping you company.   I do belong to a adult book group and try very hard to read the book for group each month.  I don’t always succeed.   This month we are meeting this Thursday due to Thanksgiving and Iam done with the book already!

DawnsEarlyLight –  I LOVE the library.   We go to the library every Saturday.  It is one of Tommy’s favorite places besides “his church”.  I have always encouraged my children to read and it has paid off with Tommy and Josh.  My stepson isn’t with us enough for anything we do to really make much of a difference.   Josh has read at college level since he was in 5th grade I think?   Tommy has a very good vocabulary too.  He frequently surprises me with it.  Tommy also understands so mich.  For me reading is escapsism….reading can transport you to other places and times and I enjoy that.   I am not much of a TV watcher so reading is my relaxation.  I grew up in SD and didn’t have much of a Library…I am totally spoiled living in the Metro area since I have access to more than one library system!  *But that does leave me at risk of more over due fines!!




3 thoughts on “

  1. You’ll be so proud of me— I picked up a book to read last night.  I thought of you when I did it!  Ha!

    All this time, I thought that I was subbed to you.  A consultation with my sub list proved otherwise.


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