Morning… last late night working for the week.  YEAH….tomorrow I am off as it is a holiday, but I might work a few hours.  We will see.   Friday I am only working 8 hours!  I will have over 50 hours in so I am building up some time off for January!  I am going in at the normal time today and I have school conferences/IEP’s at 4:00 and 7:00pm so it will be around 9 by the time I get home. 

What to do with a day off……….for the first time ever hubby also has the day off.  He now works for the government too, so we have similiar days off.   We are going to sleep in a bit and then go out to lunch and Christmas shopping.   Tommy will be at daycare and last night his cousin called and asked if he could come over after daycare to play so it will be very quiet around here.   Hopefully I will get some time to read and I might work for a couple of hours or maybe I will save the work for the weekend.  I also have to type the minutes for my commitee at chruch and make some flyers for some upcoming events we are hosting. 

Well I am off to fold a load of laundry while I wait for my turn in the shower.  I might even do a couple of things in the kitchen if I get time.  I have been managing to get two loads of laundry done each morning before heading to work so I am not behind!!!  Have a great day!

One thought on “

  1. Working for the State, I also have today off! Wonderful isn’t it? Megan has school so since I was going anyway….I took Daniel. I’m not sure I know WHAT to do with a day to myself….I also decided to go ahead and take tomorrow off as well…..Scrapbooking is calling my name today. Christmas shopping tomorrow…..hopefully the rain will have stopped! Enjoy your day off!!

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