Another day at home, I will have to get ALOT done today though. The first prioirity of the day is to vote…
I must say I know many people that complain and complain about the government and they have never voted in their lives! If you don’t vote, don’t complain. Everyone makes a difference and should vote! Get out therre and VOTE!
The rest of the day will be divided between working and straightening up the house. Tommy has a Dr appointment at 5:00 for his 3 year check up. Hubby is coming with us to the Dr. I am very lucky my hubby has never missed a check up with Tommy. He wants to be there for everything with him. He sure loves that little boy!
Off to shower and Vote…should be interesting with a 3 year old alone! Daycare is closed today again. Auntie isn’t feeling very well yet. I really hope she is better tomorrow as I have to be at work!
We’ll be voting tonight after hubby gets off work!
I agree, go vote! I was in line 35 min. there was a huge turnout! 😉 Have a great day!
I voted! And I can’t agree with you more about not complaining if you didn’t vote. That’s a big pet peeve of mine.