Ok…Ok…I jsut have to say this!   Please don’t wear white socks with dress pants and dress shoes to work!!  For that matter white socks have no place in a office setting.   And while I am at it…Don’t wear brown socks with black shoes..LOL!!  OH…and in case you didn’t know black shoes and black socks go with most pants even khaki if you have a black shirt on.   Now, brown shoes and please wear brown socks with these shoes….go with brown/ kahki and sometimes blue (I won’t wear brown with blue), but don’t wear brown shoes and socks with black pants!!  There should be a class for people about what is office casual.  We jsut got a huge long letter about dress code..all I can say is DUH!!

Tennis shoes and any sandal that goes between your toes never belongs in an office.  WHy would we need to be told not to wear torn or worn cothes.?   Ok..this one really got me,  no wearing of swimmwear or sleepwear!!  PLEASE… DOesn’t everyone know this??  Why do we have to have written policy about it.  Ok…that is my rant for today.   I have alot of dressing related pet peeves…LOL!!

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