I am dressed and ready to goto the oral surgeon. I am letting Josh sleep until almost time to leave since he will probablly have an anxiety attack. The less time to worry and deal with that the better. We have to be there by 10:00 so I will probablly wake him at 9:30. That will give him 15 minute to get dressed and we are out the door. Hubby just went to take Tommy to daycare. I really hope Josh does ok….no vomitting or passing out. He usually passes out just getting his flu shot! Poor kid.
Forgive the typos…I had acrylic nails put on for the wedding and I can’t really type with them very well. I don’t want to keep them so I will have to find out how to have them removed. I could NEVER jsutify the cost of having them filled every two weeks at about $60 a month!