Tommy had a great time at school. He talked alot about his friends. He went potty while I school, in the potty! He came home with a dry pull-up. Plus he went at home again before going to Bonnies. The teacher Miss Megan said he did great! She said he will be alot of fun since when she asked questions the other children stared at her and Tommy answered. He is very verbal for his age, so she was excited about that! He made a cute drawing of his hands.
Well I best get some things done aroudn here whiile he is at Bonnies. This weekend we have all the boys. Hubby will pick up Erik tonight after work. Later!
I just chop the tomatoes and freeze in ziploc bags. Works when I need tomates for chili, soups, etc…. Same thing with peppers and onions. they do stick together, so if you don’t want that, then flash freeze. otherwise I give them a good bang on the counter to break a chunk off to use in the crockpot or chili, etc…
Glad Tommy liked his first day of preschool, fun age! 🙂 Blessings!
Wow, Tommy is in preschool already! I haven’t been around to read blogs (or post much either!) but wanted to stop by and tell you “HI”!
I’m so proud of Tommy. **Tears in eye** He’s growing up so fast. I’m glad he did well in pre-school