Well I have made it sort of official. I am now working earlier hours so I can get home earlier. I am getting to work around 7:00 and leaving around 3:00. It is nice to get home early, I think I will conitnue this through the school year as well. I ask my Sup for permission , but she said that I could work any sched I want since I always have my work done. It pays to be a good employee!!
Last night wasn’t as productive as I wanted. Oh well….I had to stop at the mall and get shoes for the wedding. I actually found some. I need to get a bra and slip yet. When I got home, hubby told me Erik needed meds so I had to leave again. Tommy was very clinging all night so I layed down with him alot to get him to sleep.
Of my zone work I was able to clean out my microwave and that was it. I had to figure out my checkbook and that was it for the night. Hubby was wonderful and had done some laundry for me on Monday. I am more than caught up now, I am ahead of schedule! YEAH!!
I was a bit tired this morning. Tommy woke up at 5:00 scared from a nigthmare. So I got up and layed down with him. Today my last appointment is at 1:30 so I will go home after that. I have to meet with the county attorney regarding a petition to court I am writing. Once i get home I hope to get my chores done before picking up Tom from daycare.
One evening this week I need to take all my boys to buy school supplies for our church mission. We will fill bags of supplies for children in other countries that need these supplies to attend school. I suppose I should get some school clothes for Josh yet. I already have enough stuff for Tommy. He got a spiderman backpack for preschool and is very excited about going. I bought some Levi’s for Tommy at Mervyn’s since they were going out of business. He has enough clothes that hubby has picked up for him at various sales. My hubby is so great about getting stuff for his boys.
Well time to get to work………
ZONE – KITCHEN – Scrub counters, empty fridge, clear top of fridge and clean under sink.
Laundry – sheets
Weekly Blessing – Sheets/Trash
Cat Litter