Just picked up the kids from daycare.  I left early before they were up.   Erik had on….heavy pants and he was very hot.   It is so discouraging that Erik still can not pick out weather appropriate clothes on his own and he is going into middle school.   We have had numerous talks over the summer about this.   I refuse to lay out his clothes.  If he choses to wear pants, he will be hot, natural consequences.  Maybe then he will finally figure it out.   I have really taken the stance this summer that he will do the same chores as us and lay out his own clothes.   Last night he actually thanked me for teaching him how to wash clothes.   He needs to be challenged in areas like this so he can improve.    There has been too many years of him being treated like a baby.    I refuse to continue that trend.

Things Erik has learned to do over the summer:

Cut his own finger and toe nails
Cut his own Food (though he will ask me to do it alot)
Wash clothes
Sort clothes (though he isn’t very good at it)
Clean the bathroom
Sweep and Mop Floors
Put his own sheets on his bed
Wash dishes (not very good either)

Maybe Erik will never be a college graduate, but he will be able to take care of himself if it is the last thing I do.   he everyone does things for him he has no reason to try.  Now if we can just master sort of dressing for the weather I would be happy.   I still lay out his clothes for church because he will still go get a sweater and dockers when it is 90 out for church because those are his church clothes.  ARGH!!

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