I just had my performance review at work. My sup gave me greatly exceeds standards in all areas. YEAH! So I should get a raise shortly. I really prefer merit raises to everyone getting a raise. I work very hard and I appreciate my employer noticing that and compensating me for that appropriately. I hate being review though as I hate to have her tell me all the things she thinks I do well, etc…I wish they could jsut write what they think and let me know…LOL!! I can’t get her to do that yet! I still get the comments, that I should be a supervisor. I don’t think so…..I like what I do and enjoy the flexibility of my position. Maybe I will think about it once TOmmy is out of school!
Speaking of Tommy, I call my hubby to let him know I got Tommy into preschool. He will be going Friday mornings 9:30 to 11:30. I forgot to ask how much the tuition was. When I told hubby, he said he didn’t care how much it was, Tommy was going..LOL!! I love that my hubby is always willing to provide the best for our children that we can. Our time to spend our money on ourselves will come…the kids are more important. He doesn’t golf or go out. Hubby’s #1 priority is his family. I wish others could say that.
YAY for a great review!
And that’s great that Tommy got into the preschool! Woo Hoo!
Congrats on getting the raise, that’s great! You are a social worker? I wasn’t sure I remembered correctly. Nice of your husband to have that attitude, mine is the same way. We dont’ spend extra on us, it goes into the house or kids. Have a great day! 😉
You are truely blessed. Congrats on your raise 🙂