Yesterday was Erik’s appointment with the Psychologist. Erik was a bit anxious about the appointment. On the way there he talked a mile a minute about what he would like me to tell the Dr, etc. I told him he could jsut tell him whatever he wanted. I am not sure why he afraid to talk to him. So I only told what he wanted me to. At least it is a start. Erik has so many pent up feeling and fears from many years of junk. He needs to find a wa to be ok with life, ya know! The appointment was hard for my hubby too. He is alot like Erik about penting up feelings only negative things. He tells me he loves and many wonderful things at least 20 times a day.
So we came home and ate a quick lunch and went to the beach! Time to just have fun and enjoy our lives! Erik was so happy. It is good to see him smiling again. The dr even commented that he seems little happier. I had gotten Tommy a new bucket and shovel so he was having great fun in the sand. Erik, I had bought him 2 splash ball sling shots, so he and I were running around trying to get each other. We had fun. My legs actually hurt after all the running. That might be why my back and neck were so sore this morning now that I think of it. Hubby chatted with some friends of ours and jsut enjoyed the time with us. Josh and Amy came down to the beach too! Erik had fun chasing them with the splash balls. Josh is so great about playing with him. Josh has our red car so then he went back home to play softball at the church. Erik wanted to go with him too. I have to sometimes let Josh hang out iwth his girlfriend without Erik. LOL! Though when at our house, Josh and Amy have both Erik and Tommy tagging along most of the time. We stopped at the DQ and then home for bed!
So glad the weekend is here!!! I slept in a bit this morning. I did end up with both the younger boys in bed with me watching TV, that is the end of my sleep. I woke up very stiff and sore. I used the neck wedge thing the Dr gave me and felt a bit better. I stepped on the scale this morning and I am continuing to lose weight YEAH!! I have to have my dress for the wedding fitted this month, but I want to lose a bit more weight before then. I am in the 130’s again!! I gained some weight after being laid up after the car accident. I don’t have much weight to lose anymore.
We finally got moving and Tommy had a bath and I a showered and got everyone dressed! Then we went to the movie. It is now quiet time!! I love quiet time! Tommy is down for his nap, Erik is at a friends house, Josh is mowing the neighbors lawn. I am going to take it easy for a bit and then wash lunch dishes, sweep kitchen and do some more laundry.
We are going to Hutchinson tomorrow to pick up my mother. She will be staying with us for the next week or so since my daycare proivder is on vacation. I have alot to do at work and home!! Time to start really getting ready for Paul’s party!! Well I best go relax for a bit then get busy around here!
Wow, 130’s…that’s awesome! Glad to hear Erik is doing better! Have a fun weekend!
Wow, 130’s…that’s awesome! Glad to hear Erik is doing better! Have a fun weekend!
Havea happy 4th of July weekend
Havea happy 4th of July weekend
Congratulations on your weightloss! How are you losing the weight?
Have a great 4th with family!
Congratulations on your weightloss! How are you losing the weight?
Have a great 4th with family!