Hello –  we all slept in this morning…AAAH did that ever feel good.   Tommy didn’t wake up until 9:00, WOW!!   We got a bit of a late start, but went to the post office ( too long of a line),  the library (they had lost electricity) and finally to the church garage sale (in search of a woodie and Buzzlight year!)  

Now we are back home.  Tommy and I watered his little garden.  He has some beans getting ready to break through.  I think he might have watered the lettuce seeds right out of the ground!!   We will see.  I can always replant those for him.  He has had a number of strawberries already. 

Then it was time for naptime.   I can’t get Tommy to settle down for a nap.  I might have to give up on it.  I don’t know what I have done, but my upper back and neck are extremely painful this week.  It hurts to sit and even to walk.  So I now have supper in the crockpot, Smoked Sausage and Beans and I think I will lay down for a while and see if that helps with my back.  I might even ice for a while.  I haven’t been icing much recently. 

I have plenty to get done around the house though!!!   I think I will get to that after I rest my back a bit.


Sweep Kitchen
Grocery List/Menu
Paul’s B-day Invites

Tomorrow my hubby has asked that we go to church and then go Geocaching if it is nice.  Then we will go out for supper probably.   A nice time doing the things hubby loves!


0 thoughts on “

  1. Hey, maybe the back & neck thing stems from your accident???  Just thinking out loud…

    EJ gave us his nap @ age two, so is it possible (God forbid, I know) that Tommy is outgrowing his nap?  Maybe if he no longer naps he will be more tired at night?  Just wondering out loud…

    How SWEET he has his own garden!

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