MVMOMOF3 – Menu mailer is a great service I guess you sould call it.   Leanne the author of Saving Dinner mails you a weekly menu with a shopping list each week.   I jsut got into a rut of deciding what to make for supper.   This has increase my cooking and lessened the planning time needed!!    Check it out!!

Today was a normal day at work, then to the chiropractor again after work.  I am sore again and have a headache.   Since being home I have made supper, Turkey Cutlets with cheese sauce and broccoli.   This meal was a hit!  It was from the menu mailer.  While supper was cooking I cleared the front porch and swept the sidewalk.  I wiped down the door and the white chair outside. 

Now I am going to rest a bit and take my tylenol.  In a bit I will feel better than I will do laundry, dishes and clear the dinning room table. 


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