Early morning for work.  Went to a school meeting about an IEP, a pretty heated meeting at some points. Should be interesting.   Then back to the office to do some paperwork.  Then I went to graduation for a couple of clients.  They had each of the students give a little speech about what they were doing.  Some we living in group homes and some we living in their own apartments.   Sure nic to see them succeeding.  They were graduating from a transition program that prepares them for life after school.  They learn cooking, budgeting and other live skills.   Some students were even engaged. 

Then I went to order a cake for my in-laws anniversary.  I went to a cake decorating store and bought a cake top and then took it to the bakery.  I hope it turns out well.  

Then it was to the chiro, pick up Tom and home to make supper….and here I am waiting for the water to boil to make Spiral Pasta with spinach and bacon.   I so LOVE MENU MAILER!!!  I can’t say enough good things about it and how it has made my life easier!

Later!!!   I am totally unmotivated to do anything after the chiro today.  Hmmm..I think I will take some tylenol and lay down.   Hubby will be home soon…YEAH!!  I missed him today after spending the weekend together and stuff.



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