Tommy slept through the night pretty well. He didn’t wake up much, but woke up early coughing. He is coughing alot still. I gave him more of the steroid in ice cream this morning. I called my SIL and told her I would keep him home with me today. I think he is coughing too much to do to daycare.
I had a very rough appointment with the Chiropractor. I told him I was having a difficult time sitting still. I had alot of pain in my lower back. He did a different adjustment. OH MY!!! I had tears running down my face once he was done. It really hurt. I am very sore today and I don’t want to go to my appointment today at all. The adjustment he did might have improved my sitting…we will see. I usually can sit pretty good when I get up in the morning. I can’t tell you how tired of being in pain I am. I wish this would all go away and I could have my normal life back. I am now 9 weeks post accident I believe.
I need to work from home today alot. I have to get caught up with my paperwork too. So I brought home my work laptop and will be typing away on there most of the day. I do need to call and reschedule a homevisit I had today. Tomorrow I have to be at the office though. I hope that works out…… The teacher is different too. I do really enjoy the parents we have been in class with and would like to continur to get together with them. We will see…
Last night we had church. Next week is our last Families First class. We are having a picnic with the kids. I am debating if I will be joining this group next year. It will be held at a different church than our own. I like that it was at our church since we all have a class there on Wed. nights. Now we would be at a different church than our children.
Hey Jen,
Sorry to hear that Tommy is sick. A few dramas this week for you. There all done now so you can have a fabulous week next week. Hang in there with the back and neck pain. Keep telling yourself you are making progress. One step at a time. I’ll pray that the frustration and pain subside and that your body speeds up it’s healing. Your still fabulous!! Hopefully see you soon…DLS