Mother’s Day Continued…..

After our naps, we went ot eat at the Shore Club.  A very nice restaurant.  I has some fried chicken and rice.  For dessert I had Creme Brule (SP)  my favorite!   Afterward we came home and it stormed and rained.  Tommy and I curled up in my bed and watched a movie.   After our movie we read a few books.  

Josh, Tommy and I played with the new camcorder hubby and I got for our anniversary.  We made a movie of TOmmy.    Tommy loved watching “my Tommy”.   He counted and sang and goofed around for the movie.  We hope to put it on a CD and mail to grandma for Mother’s day.  

Then I watched a bit of TV snuggled up with hubby on the couch.   I did some dishes and folded clothes during the commercials.   After dishes I headed to bed for the night.


I am off  to a good start for a Monday.  I woke with only a small headache.   That is an improvement.  I have started laundry and have my last load of towels in the washer.   We need to go buy a new Water heater today.  Ours is leaking, plus it is 20 years old.    I have a bucket under it, but it fills up too fast.   I think we will hit Sears sometime today after I get home from work. 

Well time for my TO DO List for the day and hit the shower!!


Kitchen:  Cleaning ceiling & Light Fixtures
De-clutter cupboard above Fridge
Laundry – TOWELS
Complete Mission Trip Forms
Pay Bills
Menu/Shopping List

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