SATURDAY!!!  YEAH..we sort of slept in.  Tommy didn’t wake until 7:00 which was great.  He fell out of his bed last night in the middle of the night so didn’t get the best night of sleep.  I think he will take a very good nap today.  He fell asleep on the way to the library and again on the way home.   I put him to bed and he is nappinng how. 

While Tommy napped Josh and I cleaned the inside of my truck and vacuumed it.   The dealership hadn’t cleaned the inside before we took possession of the vehicle, so it needed some cleaning.

I have plenty to do today, but am taking a little break right now.  Then I have to get going on some more laundry.   ALso hubby wants me to clean out the freezer down stairs.  So I will be doing some interesting meal planning for the next two weeks.   I have to use up what we have in the freezer so I can defrost it for the summer.  Then I will neeed to make some meals and stock up the  freezer for summer, but it is good to use up all the older meat. 

Well I am off with my mittens on to organize the freezer and write down what meat I have in there.    Later!!! 

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