I had a chiro appt last night. I had to take Tommy with me and he got spoiled. They gave him carrots and muffins. We were only there about 5 minutes. Josh went to the movie with his gf, Amy. I went to bed early and cross stitched for an hour. I have been in the mood to be creative a bit. Grannyfox seems to have motivated me.
I am thinking about not going to work today since I am so tired and sore. But I have a couple of budgets I have to get done. So I guess I will go in for 4 hours like I had planned. I hope to get in this morning as I will then make my menu and grocery list this afternoon. I really have to get done. There is nothing to eat in this house!! Argh…it is getting hard for me to keep up again.
I did run a few errand yesterday at Target, we need pull-ups and a few cleaning items. I found some lysol wipes on clearance for a great deal. I also found daisy disposal razers on a good clearance. A 10 pack was 2.84 and they had a save $1.00 now on each package, so I bought two of them. I need to find some more coupons for pull-ups as they are on sale at Target.
Well time for me to shower and get to work!!
I haven’t crosstitched in a long time, I used to do it alot! 😉 Enjoy the relaxing time as you do that. I posted some links to container gardening on my blog today for you. Blessings!
I haven’t crosstitched in a long time, I used to do it alot! 😉 Enjoy the relaxing time as you do that. I posted some links to container gardening on my blog today for you. Blessings!