I got a few good deals at Target in the last couple of days.
Old Spice Deoderant – 3 – pack on clearance for 2.65. (kind hubby uses)
Secret Solid – 3-pack on clearance for 2.65 ( me)
Lysol Wipes – 2-huge containers (regular 4.99 each) and a free container of Lysol Orange Scrubbing Wipes (regular 2.49, I think it was) the three pack was on clearance for $6.78.
Pampers Easy-Ups are on sale for 8.99 and there was recently a $2.00 off coupon in the paper. So 6.99 for a bag of pull-ups. Not bad. If you look for the coupon it does expire today though – 4-30-04
I jsut called my SIL to see if she had this coupon still as I will go buy one more bag then.
So check your endcaps at Target!!!
Another site I check stated the following as deals at Target, but I didn’t look at toys, etc.
compiled this list from info. from other boards and haven’t checked them at my own store yet. Lots of this stuff isn’t stickered as clearance but may ring up that way. Remember, each Target’s markdown schedule may be a bit different.
Silly putty 2 pack (pastel pink & blue eggs) $.19
Spring Expression MagnaDoodles for $.79 – reg. $7.99. They have polkadot frames.
Little PlayDough 2 pks $.24
Disney Princess playsets – reg 9.99 now $2.48
Crayola tub tints (lighter green lid) $.49
Crayola SPRING tub finger paint soap and crayon soap writers $.49
Bubble tumbler, smaller pastel version.
Catch-a-bubble necklaces
micro Pets duck and bunny
Bunny board book with flaps that shows opposites
Disney Pooh & Mermaid activity books
Dora and Bug ones that other boards are reporting for $.18
Green square dishes with bulbs in them ~ they scream mothers day, esp if you can get 1 of each kind for $.99!!!
Snoopy spring ones
Look for full size, smaller flags and wind socks. The poles and brackets are also marked way down if you need to replace.
Circo girls jammies (long pants and sleeveless top) fpr $1.xx
Old Spice 3 Pack updated price $2.38
Old spice shave gel w/ trial size deodorant..orig $1.99 , 98 cents
Claritin $2.96 for a 5 pack. Less Target $2 & mfr!!!
128 oz. Purex for $1.48.
home intercom system was 29.99 now 7.48
PS2 game KYA – reg 29.99 now $6.58
PS2 NCAA Final Four 2004 – reg 29.99 now $7.48
ps2 .hack outbreak orig. 29.99 now 7.48.
ps2 gamebreaker 2004 orig. 29.99 now 7.48.
ps2 gameday 2004 orig. 29.99 now 7.48.
PS2 dance pad reduced to 4.88