HELLO….busy again. It is hard to fit into the day everything we need to. I still need to fit in going to the chiropractor three tiems a week. Last night we had church so it was a busy night. I didn’t do my laundry so I am a day behind on my schedule. But I am still doing pretty good.
I am so happy with our rotating of chores. Tuesday night everyone did their chores with no complaining. Today I am working a parital day as I have a chiro appt. I am keeping up well at work which is good since I am working less hours. The state is coming to sudit our files and I am ready early!! YEAH!! I still have to complete some reports for the 7 new cases I have gotten. I hope to go into the summer with everything up to date and done at work and home. This weekend I will be de-clutering again and finishing up the living room.
Buy Pull-ups
Buy Milk
Make Menu and Grocery List
Update Checkbook