Another week is beginning, and it will be busy as always. I am going into work late this morning since I am very sore and already have been to the chiropractor this morning. I am icing for now than I hope to do a bit around the hosue in between icing my back. I started the recommended stretches, but am very sore after them. Tonight I have a late meeting so I won’t be going into work until this afternoon. The same thing will be happening tomorrow as I have a 4:00 and 7:00pm home visits.
We started doing out rotation of chores over the weekend and it really went well. We are rotating dishes daily. It was nice that I wasn’t responsible to do dishes every day. Today is my day to do dishes. I also have a laundry schedule that seems to be working much better.
Monday – Towels
Tuesday – Sheets
Wednesday – Darks
thrusday – Lights
Friday – Socks
Saturday – Tom’s CLothes
Today I have to write up the chore list for Tuesday night. Tuesday is our daily blessing day (weekly cleaning) . I am going to write a detailed list of what cleaning needs to be done and it is divided between the five of us.
I am hoping to work on my flylady zones again this week. I didn’t get much done in the Master Bedroom last week, but I am moving on. THis week is the Living Room, I don’t have too much to do in the living room, but a few things!! I have the VETS coming to for donation pick up on May 19th, so I hope to have most of the house done by then.
Put Tom’s Clothes away
Swtich Laundry Around
Laundry – Towels
Call to order my Bride’s Maid Dress
Type Up Chore Lists
Type Up Living Room Zone List
Cushion Diving Mission – Living Room
Book Bakset
I will not be cheated – not will I employ long years of repentance for moments of joy. – Mary Wortley Montagu
You know those wipes they have now for cleaning. I have some clorox ones I use for the bathroom, but I also have some 409 ones and I found they are really great for doing woodwork. I cleaned off those fingerprints on my doors and stair handrail in no time. Between those and Mr. Eraser zone work has become a lot easier.