I have a few minutes to blog before I head to work.  I am icing my back.  I have to ice for a little over an hour to make sure I make it through a fair portion of my work day.  I try to make it about 5 hours at work.  I seem to do ok with that. 

Not much new with me.   I am planning on taking Tommy to the Circus on Saturday I hope my back cooperates.  I bought the tickets before the accident.  

We founda great new indoor water park/hotel to stay with the boys for our end of the summer party.  I am going to call to make reservations today.  It is a bit later than I normally make reservations. 

I went to the Chiropracter yesterday.  It was painful to have the adjustment again, but I iced right away so I think that helped. 

I am working on de-cluttering my house room by room before summer.   I think I will have the Vets come for a pick up one more time before summer.  I am not doing a garage sale since that just takes too much time and I have to store the stuff too.  I just want it out!!  Last week I worked on our bedroom.   I do have a few more things to do in there yet.  I want to wash the curtains and need to clean the closet! 

This week I am working on my living room.   I am really enjoying the group started by Midwestblahs.  There are some great members and they really are motivating me.  I am also going to work on planning some outings for this summer.   It will once again be up to me to do the things with the kids since hubby is working on Saturday all summer.   I am going to start getting a list of activities scheduled now.   I want to be more busy this weekend.  We probably won’t be able to take any long vacations due to hubby’s work schedule and our budget.  I hope to budget in some small outings.  This could be difficult since we have such an increase in daycare cost over the summer with Erik’s needs.  I will have to sit down with our budget and figure it out.  Last summer I changed my deductions to have more money over the summer, but my hubby doesn’t want me to do that this summer.  ARGH!!!


Call to schedule end of summer vacation
Call for Josh’s last driving lesson
Call vets to schedule next pick up
Call attorney about denied hospital bill from accident
Mail Child Support
Make shopping list and grocery list
Living Room Missions
Evening Routine

2 thoughts on “

  1. How’re you feeling today? I hope better!

    Where’s the water park at you’re talking about? They just opened a brand new one up in Erie, PA last year and from everything I’ve heard about it – it’s wonderful (and, ummm, expensive too *LOL*)

    Have a great day!



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