Morning….Tommy only woke up once during the night.  I put him in bed with me for a bit and I couldn’t fall back to sleep.  This was at about 4:00am.  Since he was alseep I put him back into his bed, where he still remains.  

I got up a bit early and decided to exercise before work today.  Exercising in the evening seems to be messing with my ability to fall asleep.  It is the time i have the most time to exercise, just not the best option.  So I was up and on the treamill by 6:40.   Now time to shower and get to work.  Later!  I hope to be able to exercise twice during the work week in the morning at least and Saturday morning.  If I can manage that I might move my weight lifting to mornings the other days.  We will see…..babysteps!

Another night of working late………..Later!

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