Tommy seems to be on the mend.  No throwing up most of the day today.  YEAH!!  He did take a very long nap and was very clingy.  I jsut finished the spreadsheet of our out of pocket medical expenses for the year.  I was surprised that our co-pays etc added up to over 1600.00 we paid out of pocket after insurance.   I was very sick the begining of the year with a hospitalization.  So I have that done, now we are just waiting for all our documentation to come in and we will go to H&R Block to have our taxes done.   Now I know where all my money went, not to mention nearly 5000.00 in daycare expenses.  I hope we receive a good return from the IRS.

My friend at work asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding in September.  She had the bridesmaids all picked out and one of the brides maids couldn’t be in the wedding as it is on Yom Kipper.   So I tried on the dress she had.  It is one size smaller than I am currently wearing.  ARGH!! I could get in it and zip it up, but it wasn’t very attractive!  So I guess I have some motivation to lose a few pounds!  ARGH!!  It is a very pretty dress.   I guess I have until September to fit nicely into this dress!  Time to start lifting weights again.  I say this each day, but never seem to make it down stairs to do it.  

Tonight we watched a movie from the library, Two Week Notice.  It was pretty good.   Let’s see nothing else too exciting.  Oh..I know I scheduled a Pampered Chef party for March 5th.  There were a few things I wanted and no one I knew was having party, so I decided to!  I hope I have a good turn out!   The last party I had was in 1999 before we got married.  

Tommy is in bed, so I guess I should head there myself before he wakes up.  Maybe since he is feeling better he will sleep through the night??  One can hope!

3 thoughts on “

  1. Trust me…I know daycare costs a lot of money. That is why my husband and I decided that I should just stay home for awhile so we can save money. I was basically working to put them in daycare…And they were always sick. When they were sick, I’d have to leave work early, or not come to work at all and still pay for daycare…Aaargh! Well take care. I hope you have a great weekend! I hope Tommy feels better as well..

  2. Trust me…I know daycare costs a lot of money. That is why my husband and I decided that I should just stay home for awhile so we can save money. I was basically working to put them in daycare…And they were always sick. When they were sick, I’d have to leave work early, or not come to work at all and still pay for daycare…Aaargh! Well take care. I hope you have a great weekend! I hope Tommy feels better as well..

  3. Glad Tommy is feeling better.  I had one of my latchkey kiddos get sick yesterday in the gym.  Yucko.

    I hope you have a good turnout at your PC party.  I’ve been debating booking one since there are a few things I need to replace.  May just have to work that into the schedule in the next month or so.

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