Tommy slept through the night for the second night in a row!!  I will not be home tonight, but I told hubby to keep his routine the same.  Hopefully he will sleep.  I have been letting him watch one episode of Blue’s Clues in my bed with me before he goes to bed.  I tell him ” Blues Clues then you sleep in your bed”.  He seems to be content with this and he does get to snuggle in Mommy’s bed. 

Tonight I have my book discussion group, so I won’t be home until very late.  Hubby is in charge of the kiddos.  So we will see how he does with the routine.  Our book Group is discussing “Curious Incident of A Dog at the Night-time.”  Most of us work in the field of developmental disabilities so it should be an interesting conversation.  I just started listening to Wuthering Heights.  It might take a bit to get into this book.  We will see.


Change Sheets – Ours & Toms (not like the little guy sleeps in his bed, LOL!)
Dust & Vacuum
Sweep & Mop
Mirror & Doors
Master Bedroom – (did some)
Control Journal – Make Current Zone List
Organize medical bills for Taxes

I heard an interesting discussion on talk radio this morning.  They were talking about a study that found that 1 in 3 children eat fast food at least once a day.   I was really surprised by that.  My children do not eat fast food nearly that often.  I don’t know any child that does either.  At our house if we ate out once a week, that would be alot!!  We might eat out about once a month.  They were saying that this fast food trend is what is leading to a large incidence of childhood obesity.  Obviously any one that knows my family knows none of us have a weight problem.  I am the only one that would like to lose wieght, but I am not overweight, I am within my ideal weight range.  I would just rather be on the lower end of the range due to my risk of developing diabetes.    My hubby and children are all very skinny, not sure that is related to not eating much fast food though.  I don’t buy much processed food.  I cook from scratch frequently. 

It is so cold today!!!  YIKES!!  It is 11 degrees below 0.  There is a bit of a wind so it feels much much colder!  I am heading to Target to buy a couple of extra pairs of tights to wear under my pants as this cold stretch is suppose to last for a bit.  Ya gotta love Minnesota!  You can’t be vane in MN, you just have to bundle up!

0 thoughts on “

  1. Hi, I am new here.  I agree that FF 1X per day seems high!!!  I wonder were that study was conducted?  I am convinced that not eating fast food and cooking from scratch is a very good way not to gain extra weight! 

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