Another night on interrupted sleep. Tommy woke up twice during the night. Once I had to bring him to bed with me and then once he was back to sleep I put him back into his bed. All that leaves is a tired momma! I have to be at an early meeting this morning and I plan in running to Target during the lunch break as I need to get a gift for a birthday at daycare tomorrow.

Tonight is conferences at school for Joshua. I hope we have good reports! I have been terrible this week about making my menu’s and I need to get groceries yet too. One night we need to get the Christmas Tree up too……..many thing to do.

Hubby and I are considering not going to the movie on Saturday, but using our night out to finish up our Christmas shopping and go out to supper. I sort of like that idea. We can go to a movie next month.

We have all the kids this weekend. I am not sure what we will be doing. I plan on going to Breakfast with Santa on Saturday morning and then a library in the afternoon. CHurch on Sunday and that is aobut it.

Time to get to work……….later!

3 thoughts on “

  1. My husband and I usually make a “date” to do Christmas shopping and go out to eat too.  Only problem is, this year, all the weekends are pretty full with one thing or another.  And just a note, please don’t take this wrong, but the more you bring Tommy into your bed, the harder it’s going to be to break him of the habit and get him to sleep through the night in his own bed. I know it’s easier said than done though, especially when you have others in the house who need their sleep too!

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