I am slagging in blogging again. As always I am busy, busy…..today was a day of taking care of sick little Tommy all day. Plus I was up with most of last night. He was in bed with us as he wasn’t feeling well, which means he slept as close to me as he could all night. I should be gettinga few hours of sleep now before he comes into our bed. He still isn’t feeling the best. I did take him to the Dr this afternoon and he has a double ear infection. I originally wasn’t going to take him in as he seemed to be perking up, but am glad I did. He was very crabby today so all we did was watch TV and cuddle.

I washed dishes with him and then had Daddy watch him so I could make supper. He was so very upset about that. He is in bed now. I need to make my grocery list so I can get groceries in the morning. In the afternoon tomorrow i need to go clean my in-laws apartment and steam clean their carpets. Josh will help me with that.

Joshua went to the movie tonight. I guess it is official he has a gf. He went to the movie with the girl that asked him to Sadie Hawkins dance, Amanda. Her mother took them to the movie and my hubby jsut went to pick them up. It is hard for us mommies to see our babies so grown up. I do I make time slow down???

I best go make my grocery list and head to bed. I have not bought any food for Thanksgiving yet!! YIKES!!! Hopefully Tommy will feel well enough to go to his Aunties tomorrow so I can do all these things.

HOpe everyone is having a great day. I am off of work until Monday now, so I am sure I will have to time to post again. NIGHT!

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